A study performed by UCO (University of Cordoba) and IFAPA (Institute of Agricultural Research and Training) analyzed the potential of no-till farming in order to achieve the aims of the 4perMille initiative, that seeks to increase the amount of organic carbon in soil.

The Teacup Project will help foreign language teachers incorporate cultural aspects into their classes

A UCO study proves the feasibility of substituting up to 40% of conventional aggregates of self-compacting mortar for granite sludge, thus reducing the construction sector’s environmental impact

Project Vesynech is studying why marine cyanobacteria release small compartments with nutrients and genetic information and what their functions are

The GEOMAG project is designing a virtual educational platform specializing in Geomatics in Tunisia in order to modernize agroforestry resource management

Martes, 16 Junio 2020 11:01

Improved heat-resistant wheat varieties are identified

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An international study, including researchers at the University of Cordoba, analyzed 54 genetically improved wheat genotypes from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in order to determine which respond best to high temperatures

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