Gèant Project | A network to interconnect European research
Escrito por UCC+iThe Géant project provides European educational and research communities with the necessary connectivity to share, access and process large volumes of data
New solar tracking strategies are being studied for photovoltaic plants to maximize electric production
Escrito por UCC+iThe University of Cordoba analyzed a new strategy for solar tracking using backtracking in order to avoid shadows being cast among solar panels
Research into an urban heating and air-conditioning system using 100% renewable energy
Escrito por UCC+iThe Wedistrict project will launch four pilot facilities that will merge heating and air-conditioning in the same district system, combining several kinds of sustainable technology to guarantee all energy demands
ARTISANEFOOD PROJECT | Reseach increases food safety in artisanal cheese and cured sausages
Escrito por UCC+iThe ArtisaneFood Project uses predictive microbiology in order to optimize food quality and safety in artisanal foods produced in the Mediterranean region
The effectiveness of a heating system is validated, heating air from solar radiation
Escrito por UCCiThe device, which takes advantage of heat generated on the outer layer of building facades, could cover the heating required to ventilate a building for up to 75% of the days in a cold season
Technology is studied that could save 12% of the energy used in micro-hydropower irrigation systems
Escrito por UCCiA study, performed in two Andalusian provinces, analyzed the potential of producing electricity by means of recovering hydraulic energy by implanting new technology based on pumps working as turbines