After comparing two different soil use systems spanning 22 years, a study concludes that the dehesa’s capacity to sequester carbon is the same whether it is permanently pastured soil or used for temporary crops

The research project is based on the CRISPR genetic editing technique and uses a plant protein to control gene expression in in-vitro cells

The University of Cordoba participated in the first shaping of a hydrological model on a basin scale as a global model to advance in world hydrological predictions

The medicine, tested on rabbits, reduces complications from the treatment for the disease, a common veterinarian emergency among dogs and horses that stops blood circulation in the intestine

A research project studied the microbiome of olive tree roots and concluded that Verticillium wilt is fueled by a community of microorganisms that team up to attack plants, thus reassessing the way this problem is dealt with

The research looked into the evolution of the Daniellia clade, a set of trees with environmental importance, and confirms that more than half its species are endangered

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